Company Section: The company/senior section is for lads aged 11 - 18 (school years 7 +) and it provides members with lots of fun and exciting opportunities.
Like in the other sections there is a badge work scheme which covers areas like Skills, Community and Recreation. This is a fun way of developing good personal skills and gaining plenty of awards. The company section is full and fun packed with plenty of things to do. Band on Monday, Chess on Tuesday, Gym/Trampolining on Wednesday, Table Tennis & the worship band (loadstar) on Thursday, Fridays are our normal meeting night.
In competitions we perform quite well as a company: Table Tennis (5 times national finalists and 2015 England Champions), Football (2 times national finalists), Band (Championship Class at the BB National Band contest winning Best E flat trumpet award and best Drill & Deportment) National Chess & National Ten Pin Bowling.
Company section is a busy but fun place to be, and if all this is not enough there is also the opportunity to gain the highest awards in the Brigade. The Presidents Badge, The Queen's Badge and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. (Bronze Silver & Gold!)
If you are interested in joining our Company section, Please 'Click Here'